Thursday, May 28, 2009

Back on the mat

Dragged myself back onto my yoga mat today for the first time in a while. I did feel a little stiff and not super hydrated, but it was good to sweat a little.

Last night, I was browsing Netflix's Watch Instantly and found a documentary called Ashtanga NY. It covers Sri K. Pattabhi Jois' visit to NYC which happened to coincide with 9/11. Gwyneth Paltrow and Willem Dafoe are in it along with lots of non-famous yogis. I've been more interested in Ashtanga after reading an Ashtanga blog which was written by a former coworker's wife. I know that Bikram yoga faces a lot of criticism as being very restrictive but to me, Ashtanga seems so much more strict. I've never practiced Ashtanga so I'm definitely coming at it from Bikram yoga. Anyway, the documentary isn't the best thing I've ever seen but it's less than an hour long and if you have nothing else to watch, you might want to check it out.


~m said...

i'm curious about other kinds of yoga too! i've only ever practised bikram, but have recently become interested in vinyasa flow since one of our teachers is now teaching it locally once a week.

i want to watch the documentary but @lotuspad suggested a jack herer documentary that i already started downloading!

a. said...

hey m,
here in seattle, we've got yoga of almost every flavor, but the thought of going to a non-bikram yoga studio is a bit intimidating since i'm used to the routine of bikram, i know most of the instructors, i know what to wear...
but i think it would be good to check out something else. today in class i was dreaming of doing yoga with music. sometimes the sound of grunting and heavy breathing is a bit much!!!

Angela said...

just discovered your blog - i've been thinking about doing the 30 day challenge, but sometimes even after 3 days straight i get bored of bikram yoga since it's the same thing over and over. i'm amazed that you've found the motivation to keep going for 30 days! i'm at a crossroads right now because i'm considering cancelling my bikram yoga membership...