Day 30, Class 30
Never did any doubles - just plodded away with a class a day and slowly but surely, I made it to this point - - - DAY 30! Class today wasn't anything spectacular. Did every posture except the second set of salabasana/locust. The instructor described the room as "Louisiana in the middle of summer" which seemed pretty accurate. Not sure what else to say - not really having any deep thoughts at the moment. Just looking ahead to things that I've been avoiding or putting off during this month that I sort of hid out in the yoga room. And I'm looking forward to going out with friends this evening. Although they don't get what I'm doing in the same way as my fantastic Twitter/blog online yoga crew does, I do appreciate their support!
A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU! I appreciate the comments you left here on the blog as well as on Twitter. As you may have seen on the sidebar of the blog, this isn't the first time I've wanted to do a 30 day challenge, but it's the first one I've completed and having support and encouragement was so helpful in keeping me going to class even on those days when I didn't want to go!
If there is anyone out there who has been thinking of doing a 30 day challenge but hasn't tried yet, I'm planning a post for tomorrow with a few tips that I wish I had known before starting the challenge.
never did any doubles? who cares?! you totally rock and should be so proud of yourself. i wouldn't have minded if your entire post had simply said "i did it!" 900 times. are your friends calling you "hotyoga chick" now? Congrats agains! ~m
woo, go you! Very inspiring, can't wait for your next post [since I'm starting up a challenge of my own].
Congrats! I'm so proud of you for doing this! It's so awesome.
I am so proud of you! You rock! Enjoy your well earned celebration tonight!
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